Faculty Profiles

Salvatore J. Petrilli

Associate Dean for Academic Operations and General Education
College of Arts and Sciences

Science Building 122

General Information



Ed.D., Mathematics Education, Columbia University (2009)

M.A., Mathematics, Hofstra University (2006)

B.S., Mathematics, ³ÉÈËӰƬ University (2005)

Personal Statement

Personal Statement

My decision to enter the academic world was motivated by a genuine desire to teach. My interest in the field of mathematics education was inspired by a high school mathematics teacher, Laurie Spector, who not only developed my mathematics skills but my confidence as well. I realize now that Laurie was the one who inspired my personal philosophy of education, "Teach with compassion and encouragement, in the process of developing independent critical thinking skills."

I believe my primary responsibility is to encourage the further development of students' critical thinking skills. I try to be aware of the diversity of learning styles and adapt my teaching methods accordingly. I believe in both the Aristotelian and Socratic/Constructivist methods, i.e., both the inductive and deductive methods. Using a variety of methods in the classroom, I am able to effectively teach the material, and challenge the students to think "outside the box."

I believe my roles are three in number: teacher, facilitator, and guide/mentor for students making academic and career choices. In my opinion, when a teacher assumes these roles, learning is a mutual endeavor - leading to fulfilling and successful achievement of goals.

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