
A list of library databases and electronic collections, in A-Z order or sortable by subject. Library databases are designed to help you search for and find articles, book chapters, and more.

Currently, accessible databases can be found by entering the title of the database in .

You can also search in the search box and select the 鈥淒atabases & More鈥 radio button. You will be prompted to enter their username and password to verify access to any database outside of , or materials presented by the .

For assistance navigating databases or finding other research materials, please contact the Research and Instruction Library team at referenceservices@adelphi.edu.

Patrons can browse all title. A brief description of each database is available by hovering over the information icon to the immediate right of the database title. Supplemental icons regarding the type of information that can be found within individual databases are listed to the right of the information icon. A resource legend is also provided for icons found on the list.

Patrons can search for databases dedicated to a particular area of study by using the drop-down menus located on the page. Results can be further filtered by 鈥渞esource type鈥 (database, scholarly resource, eBooks, etc.) using dropdown menus.

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