
Please take note of the following dates and deadlines to ensure a smooth path to graduation.

Steps to Graduation

The first step to determine your eligibility to graduate and confer your degree in May 2024.

Apply by March 31 to ensure your name is included in the Commencement program.听

Academic regalia鈥攃aps and gowns鈥攁re required for all graduates at Commencement. , and contact the bookstore at bookstoremanager@adelphi.edu with any questions.

Students who have already placed their regalia orders can use the to track orders. You will also receive an email with tracking information when your order ships.

In March, you will receive an email from to your 成人影片 email address.

  1. You must register via MarchingOrder to attend your Commencement ceremony.
  2. Submit your phonetic name pronunciation

Please email commencement@adelphi.edu with questions or concerns.

To ensure that your name is included, no later than March 31.

Make your undergrad鈥檚 special day even more memorable with a congratulatory ad on the Nassau Coliseum jumbotron screens before the commencement ceremony. Your personalized message will shine brightly for all to see as you celebrate this milestone achievement.To ensure your message appears on the jumbotron, .

成人影片鈥檚 yearbook, The Oracle, is free of charge to all graduating undergraduate seniors and can be . The deadline to order your copy is May 31, 2024. For questions about the yearbook, please email engage@adelphi.edu.

Every year, the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) conducts its First Destination Survey to track the progress of new college graduates as they enter the job market.

Take the survey and tell us your plans after graduation.

Decorated graduation cap that says: Nothing is impossible. The very word says "I'm Possible"

International Student Information

International students in valid F-1 status who are inviting guests from outside the United States to 成人影片鈥檚 Commencement should request a letter of invitation for invited guests for Visa purposes.

Complete your request through the using your eCampus credentials.

Explore the Area

Visit our Explore the Area page to find out more about 成人影片鈥檚 Garden City location, including places to stay, things to do, and how to get around.

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